A Consistent Influence

For more than 100 years, the SFMS has been a
constant voice for the local medical community


The Placer Society was founded in 1889. In 1904, the society merged with the Grass Valley Medical Association to form the Placer-Nevada County Association. The society met once or twice a year to set standards and create a tradition still adhered to – “to provide the best and most up-to-date medical treatments, and to safeguard the public from ruthless practitioners.” (The History of the Placer Nevada Medical Society, 20)

To read the full history of the society, download our centennial book, The History of the Placer Nevada Medical Society.

Letter sent to all physicians in Placer, Nevada and El Dorado Counties, inviting them to the first medical society meeting in 1889; Eight physicians attended the first meeting where they drew up the constitution and bylaws.